In his historic speech Let Us Further Strengthen the Peoples Government delivered on December 15, 1977 at the First Session of the Sixth Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK, President Kim Il Sung comprehensively clarified tasks and ways of the people’s government arising in discharging its duty as a faithful servant of the people.

The President said that it is the honourable mission of the people’s government to serve the working masses faithfully, that the people’s government should regard it as its duty to defend and protect interests of the working masses, and that officials of the people’s government bodies should be servants of the people.

The President also said that, in order to make the people’s government fulfill its mission as a faithful servant of the people, it was important to give fuller scope to socialist democracy in all fields of state activities.

The President proved on a scientific basis that democracy that should be applied in the activities of the people’s government is socialist democracy that enables to formulate policies according to the will of the popular masses, carry them out in line with their interests and provide them substantially with genuine freedom and rights and a happy life.

The President also expounded such theoretical and practical issues arising in giving fuller scope to socialist democracy as the one of making the working masses participate widely in the people’s government work, the one of steadily enhancing their role in the state and political life and the one of building the socialist economy and culture satisfactorily.