New History of Comradeship Created by Peerlessly Great Person

President Kim Il Sung begun his revolutionary history by gaining comrades.

Based on the view that “A comrade is a second me, and with comrades I can win the whole world”, the President never cared about the hardships, even walking a long, long distance at night, if it was for the sake of gaining comrades or for their benefit.

The formation of the Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU) on October 17, 1926 was a historic declaration of opening up a new history of comradeship for the Korean revolution as well as a historic declaration of a fresh start for the Korean revolution.

Not only the DPRK people but also the world people fully admired the great personality of the President who formed the DIU at the young age of his teens.

However, not many people think deeply about the basis of his ardent love for comrades. The President took care of his sick comrade while living under the same roof for over ten days, which was one of the stories born during the period when the DIU was formed.

Thus, the first members of the DIU were charmed so much by his great personality that they respected and followed with sincerity the President and became human bombs to find a way out whenever the Korean revolution was in difficulties.

Thanks to his ardent comradely love, the Korean revolution always advanced forward without any regress and vacillation even under manifold trials and hardships, and those who trusted and followed only the President with loyalty were trained during the days.