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It was on December 9, 1998 when leader Kim Jong Il was talking with officials. He said that delight for the officials was not to enjoy better life than others but to do favor for the sake of the people and that he always found his pleasure in the people’s happiness and he spared nothing to make them well-off.
He said that his continued field guidance on such different sectors as factories and enterprises was for happiness of the people. He said that he had never regarded it as trouble but he felt it as pride and dignity. He continued to say that he was relieved of fatigue and invigorated when he heard the people live well, even when he was working hard while sleeping bad and skipping meals. He told the officials that they should do even one favor for the people if they intended to please him.
Saying that he found his pleasure and happiness in the people’s, he said that the officials should cherish his intention in their minds and make devoted efforts for the people.
His saying was permeated with the life-time motto of the leader who always thought his destiny in close combination with that of the people.