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Kim Il Sung stressed that full preparations should be made to meet the great event of national liberation actively in conformity with the prevailing situation and put forward a new strategic line of switching over from the large-unit operations to small-unit actions at a meeting held in Xiaohaerbaling in August 1940.

Everyone was amazed. It was when everyone was thinking how to cope with the large-scale “punitive” offensive of Japanese imperialists. The Korean People’s Revolutionary Army was in the worst condition in the period from the late 1930s to the early 1940s. However, Kim Il Sung planned an operation for national liberation.

At the meeting he said that, only when they preserved and consolidated the KPRA forces and trained them to be able political and military cadres, could they win victory in the final decisive battle against the Japanese imperialists and build a new Korea on the liberated country with the cadres as a backbone.

The new strategic line of actively meeting the great event of national liberation clarified by Kim Il Sung was a revolutionary and positive policy to hasten a final victory in the anti-Japanese revolution.