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Devoted Service for People—New Words Created with WPK

Another grand buildings sprang up in the Songsin and Songhwa areas, an ideal, picturesque and beautiful mountainous city was built at the foot of Mt Paektu, a mountainous and canyon-like town, unprecedented in history, was erected in the Komdok area, the children are happy with dairy products…

They are touching stories, indeed.

At the Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un pledged that, regarding our great people as the god of his life, he would work at the risk of his life as a faithful servant of the people on the road of devoted service for them.

Devoted service for the people—this makes the DPRK people feel keenly the great revolutionary practice of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who dedicates his all to the people.

Devoted service for the people is a term born by the love of Kim Jong Un who wants his people to be happy and by his noble mission and will to serve the people.