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President Kim Il Sung performed great exploit in his whole life for the country, the people and the humankind.
As proverbs say that ideological charm is the greatest of all charms and wisdom is the wealth of the wise, it is the greatest exploit of President Kim Il Sung that he founded the Juche idea, the idea of independence and the man-centered idea.
The President expounded for the first time in history the essential characteristics of man and clarified that man is master of everything and decides everything, thus raising man’s dignity and value to the highest level. Explaining the man-centered philosophical principle, the President clarified the people-centered socio-historical principles. The President gave scientific and perfect explanations to theoretical and practical problems in realizing independence of man, the popular masses, the independence of country and nation, including the theory of national and class liberation and human emancipation, the theory on natural harnessing, social transformation and man remoulding and the theory of global independence.
That the President founded the Juche idea that enables the popular masses to become masters of their own destiny and illuminates the road of carving out their destiny is the greatest exploit that will be immortal with the history of humankind.