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Kim Jong Il hated and never tolerated flattery in his life. However, there was “flattery” that he accepted willingly.
In April 1976 Kim Jong Il was taking a “rest” for a few days at officials’ earnest request. However, Kim Jong Il continued his work. Only ceaseless phone calls and repeated visits of officials became infrequent.
One day a designer came to see Kim Jong Il light-handed for the purpose of not disturbing Kim Jong Il’s rest, even though he had designs and documents to be examined by Kim Jong Il.
Kim Jong Il was waiting for him, but very displeased that the designer had come light-handed.
Listening to the designer’s explanation that he was not allowed to bring anything to work, Kim Jong Il told him that he was so simple and honest that he did not know how to make “flattery”.
Kim Jong Il said that he never tolerated flattery but he would willingly accept such “flattery” as to provide something to work.
Kim Jong Il said that, if he had nothing to do, he would feel fidget by adding that he got a bad impression of the designer who brought nothing to work.
The designer brought designing papers to Kim Jong Il the next day.
Devoting his all for the sake of the country and the people without rest, Kim Jong Il accepted “flattery” only to bring something to work for him.