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Great Strength Supports DPRK, an Invincible Power

The international community admires the socialist Korea demonstrates inexhaustible national strength by dint of unity braving through ordeals and difficulties before its advance.
Organ of the Ugandan National Resistance Movement carried an article… Entire people are firmly united as one around the leader in the DPRK. The single-hearted unity of the Korean society with Chairman Kim Jong Un as a centre adds lustre to the name of the DPRK with unprecedented strength and miracle. Single-hearted unity, the viability of the Korean-style socialism is based on the DPRK leaders’ warm love for the people.
An internet magazine of Nepal commented… The most distinctive of the DPRK that makes it different from other countries is that its people form a harmonious whole with the leader. The secret that enabled the DPRK to overcome difficulties and develop into a powerful socialist country lies in solid unity of the society.
An Indian newspaper carried an article… Political activities of Chairman Kim Jong Un are always related to the people and are consistent with important affairs of realizing the people’s aspiration and desire.
An Ethiopian newspaper said… The Korean people’s single-hearted unity of defending devotedly the leader who safeguards independence and dignity of the country and safety and destiny of the nation and remaining loyal to the leader’s ideology and leadership becomes great strength that enables the DPRK to be an invincible power.
The first secretary of the Khabarovsk Territory Committee of Communist Party of the Russian Federation affirmed… The DPRK has Comrade Kim Jong Un in high esteem and makes rock-solid single-hearted unity of the whole society with the leader as a centre. The DPRK will demonstrate fully its dignity and prestige of a powerful socialist country.