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Much Pleased to Hear That People Would Be Provided Regularly with Fish

Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un was so pleased when he received a letter written by a fishery station manager informing that the station caught over 4 000 tons of fish in 6 months that he visited the fishery station in cold weather on December 15, 2013.
Entering pickled fish storehouse with a bright smile on his face, the Supreme Leader said with great satisfaction… Tanks in the storehouse are filled with fish. It is, indeed, the sea of fish, a fish avalanche. It seems as if it were an ammunition depot filled with bullets.
Telling the officials to have photos taken with gratifying sights as a background, the Supreme Leader sat on an elevated place of a pickling tank before the attendants dissuaded him from sitting on it.
The officials in the station and attendants were so surprised that they could say nothing because the place, soaked with brackish water and salinity, was not a good place to sit on even after its cleaning.
The manager requested the Supreme Leader not to sit on the place. However, the Supreme Leader told the officials to sit beside him, saying that he did not mind the place.
In a flurry, an official of the station took gloves out of his pocket to lay on the place for him. Dissuading the official from doing so, the Supreme Leader sat and had a photo taken with the officials on his both sides.
The Supreme Leader was much pleased to hear that his people would be provided regularly with fish and felt thankful to the fishermen for their efforts. That is why the Supreme Leader sat on the cold and elevated place of a pickling tank and took a seat friendly with the officials and had photos taken with them.