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Further Development of Juche Idea by Chairman Kim Jong Il

    Chairman Kim Jong Il systematized and developed comprehensively the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung, as required by the developing era of independence and the revolutionary practice.

    Chairman Kim Jong Il said.

    “While defending the revolutionary essence and purity of the Juche idea, we must add luster to its greatness and develop and enrich it as required by the times and the developing realities.”

    In order to further develop the Juche idea, Chairman Kim Jong Il paid deep attention to the theoretical development of basic principles of its philosophy.

    The Chairman paid the biggest attention to the explanation of man’s essential characteristics.

    The President said that independence is life and soul of man, that man is a being with an ideological consciousness of independence and that man is the most developed and powerful being in the world. The President also said that man transforms nature and society and develops science and technology, and therefore, man becomes the master who puts the world under his control and the factor that decides everything.

    Theoretically systematizing historic courses of the Korean revolution and the mankind and the President’s sayings, the Chairman provided the formulation that man is a social being with independence, creativity and consciousness.

    The theoretical formulation of man’s essential characteristics served as a fundamental basis that enabled to systematize the Juche idea theoretically as the man-centred world outlook.

    The Chairman comprehensively systematized the socio-historical principles that put forward the masses of the people as the subject of social history on the basis of man’s essential characteristics and the philosophical principle that man is the master of everything and decides everything.

    The Chairman also systematized it as the guiding principles of the Juche idea that the independent stand should be maintained, that creative methods should be applied and that main stress should be put on ideology.

    On March 31, 1982, the Chairman made public “On the Juche Idea”, a classic work that integrates the Juche idea perfectly.

    In the work, the Chairman included such broad and profound contents of the Juche idea as the origin, the philosophical principle, the socio-historical principles and the guiding principles of the Juche idea and systematized them in an integral way.

    The Chairman’s work “On the Juche Idea” causes a big sensation of not only among the Korean people but among the world people.

    The work was carried on over 10 million copies of publications in more than 90 countries of the world and published in booklet in 144 countries in less than a year after its publication.

    Prominent figures in different countries and progressive people highly praised the work as the “new Communist Manifesto in the 1980s” and a “basic text of philosophy for realizing the popular masses’ independence”.

    In the works “On Some Problems of Education in the Juche Idea”, “Let Us March Forward Dynamically along the Road of Socialism and Communism under the Unfurled Banner of the Anti-Imperialist Struggle” and “On Establishing the Juche Outlook on the Revolution”, the Chairman further developed contents of the philosophical principle and the socio-historical principles of the Juche idea with the theory of socio-political organism, the theory of outlook on the revolution and the principles governing in making the outlook on the revolution the view of life.

    The Chairman also further developed the idea of role of man’s ideological consciousness clarified for the first time by the Juche idea.

    The Chairman explained and proved in a profound way the theory of ideology that ideology is the main in the revolution and construction and the popular masses’ ideological and mental strength decides everything, by combining its vitality and ideological and mental traits of the people who build a powerful country, thus further developing the Juche idea of giving importance on ideology.

    Thanks to the Chairman’s energetic ideological and theoretical activities, the Juche idea, the revolutionary idea of the President, has been developed into an encyclopedia of the era that gives the most correct and principled explanations to all theoretical and practical problems arising in the era.