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    It was when Chairman Kim Jong Il was reported from an official the material supply plan for coal mines.

    The Chairman asked the official how they planned to distribute iron and steel, saying that he was told that coal wagon was the current knotty problem in coal mines. The official explained total quantity of iron and steel to supply additionally to the sector of coal industry and concrete plan of materials to be distributed according to coal mines.

    Listening to his explanation, the Chairman told him that President Kim Il Sung had taught that socialism is, so to speak, statistics and planning, and socialism can be built with success only on the basis of correct and strict calculation and statistics. The Chairman said that it is the primary practical qualification for all economic workers to be good at numbers and calculation.

    The Chairman continued to say that the more the society develops and the economic construction makes progress, the bigger the significance of calculation and statistics becomes, and all the economic workers should raise their level to be good at numbers and calculation.

    His sayings served as a precious occasion that made the officials, who are responsible for economic life of the country, aware that the numbers and statistics are not a simple economic business but an important issue of adding more brilliance to the socialist system by tapping, enlisting and utilizing reserves.