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    One day Chairman Kim Jong Il called a woman official to give precious instructions on the work to be done by her unit. He stopped her when she made bow to him and was getting out of the office. It was because he found her bag handle off.

    Seeing her bag for a moment, the Chairman said it was not good for her to carry such bag without handle. The Chairman took out a big bag and a small one before her and told her to choose whatever she liked. She chose a small one. Saying that the small one is for beauty things and it seems to be useless to officials, the Chairman pointed at the big one. The Chairman said that the big one looked nice and seemed to be useful. The Chairman asked her opinion.

    She agreed with the Chairman. With a smile on his face, the Chairman told her to wait a moment and got out of his office with the bag.

    A few minute later, the Chairman came back with the bag which became heavy. The Chairman gave her the bag and told her to open it. She opened the bag and found it filled with books.

    Then the official came to grasp why the Chairman chose the big one and explained that it is more useful.

    At that time she recognized why the Chairman had chosen the big bag saying it is useful. She was deeply impressed. The Chairman told her that it is impossible to work as intended by the Party simply with desire. The Chairman taught that it is necessary to read many books to cultivate one’s ability. Saying that a person with wide knowledge works and lives flexibly and becomes modest, the Chairman explained in detail that, in particular, the senior officials should carry books with them all the time to read.

    The woman official made up her mind that she would carry books all the time with her to study hard and thus become an able official as desired by the Chairman.

    Since then, many people called the big bag the Chairman had given her a treasure bag.