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    It was when the delegation of Chongryon(General Association of Korean Residents in Japan) education workers visited the motherland.

    Being told their visit on the way of his field guidance, President Kim Il Sung received them that night.

    The President said that Chongryon conducted educational work under more difficult conditions than in the motherland but it registered many achievements as Chongryon education workers worked well. Saying that they have a worthwhile job, the President gave them thanks.

    They were moved by his undeserved praise for them.

    They became teachers with one thought to educate the compatriots’ children to be true Koreans well aware of Korean language and alphabet, Korean history and tradition so as to make them continue the generation of patriotism true to the President’s noble view of the nation and the rising generation.

    They shed tears of gratitude, looking up to the President who fathomed their unknown pains and services.

    The President earnestly said that Chongryon education workers should not rest on the already made successes but make active efforts to fully discharge their weighty assignment, as there were things more to be done than those they had done.