Over 669 844km-long field guidance!
It is a total length of the distance of the field guidance covered by Chairman Kim Jong Il for the prosperity of the country and happiness of the people.
Chairman Kim Jong Il visited over 14 290 units across the country during his whole period of revolutionary life, continuing his forced march covering more than 669 844km, about 17 times as long as the circumference of the earth.
Remain as it is in the hearts of the people in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the benevolent image of Chairman Kim Jong Il who continued his endless high-intensity forced march, saying that he would not wish for nothing than the prosperity of the country and wellbeing of the people.
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un said that Chairman Kim Jong Il’s life was the most brilliant life of a great revolutionary who braved thorny untrodden path with iron will and superhuman energy, upholding the red flag of revolution, and the noblest life of a peerless patriot who dedicated his all for the good of the country and people.
Regarding his sufferings for the good of the people as the greatest pleasure, Kim Jong Il continued his long distance of patriotic devotion as cherished an iron will to add brilliance to the motherland and make the people happy by devoting his all.
One day on his way to field guidance, Kim Jong Il said that he used to ask can’t a second be an hour for the good rest of President Kim Il Sung but, at present, he wanted a second be an hour so that he could work more for the good of the country and people.
Finding himself on the road of ceaseless field guidance, Kim Jong Il always felt pity for a lack of time. In the last period of his great life, Kim Jong Il explained an official in a province who asked the Chairman not to come in cold weather, that everything would go well when he frequently came, adding not to worry about him.
Thanks to the Chairman’s long distance of patriotic devotion, today the Republic has risen up as a socialist bulwark of Juche making epochal changes and the Korean people could fully demonstrate their dignity before the world.
Field guidance amounting up to more than 669 844km!
Indeed, this represents the great life of Chairman Kim Jong Il, a peerless patriot and the people’s benevolent father.
Chairman Kim Jong Il’s sacred traces that would shine forever in history give a powerful stimulus to the Korean people along the road of victory and glory.