If Juche is to be established in ideology it is necessary to oppose servility to big powers and all other outdated ideas.
Leader Kim Jong Il said.
“If Juche is to be established in ideology, servility to big powers and all other outdated ideas should be opposed.”
Obstacles in establishing Juche in ideology is all sorts of outdated ideas, in particular servility to big powers or flunkeyism.
Flunkeyism is the most harmful ideological trend that is fundamentally contrary to the establis
If one falls into flunkeyism, he will not believe in himself. When he blindly follows others looking up to them he will take to revisionism if others do and if others adopt dogmatism, one will act likewise. If a person falls into flunkeyism he becomes foolish, if a nation is subservient to big powers, it goes to ruin and if a party follows flunkyism, it makes a mess of revolution and construction.
That is why flunkeyism harming the people’s independent consciousness in the ideological sector should be rooted out from the embryonic stage.
Struggle to establish Juche in ideology against flunkeyism and dogmatism is a serious issue that decides the destiny of the revolution. Only when the struggle to oppose flunkeyism and dogmatism and establish Juche, is it possible to firmly guarantee the final victory of the revolution.
Establishing Juche in ideology should be maintained consistently. Only then, can the popular masses’ mental strength be further increased and the victory of the revolution fully guaranteed. This is the truth proved by the history of the Korean revolution, which has advanced along the road of independent development with the Juche idea as the banner of struggle, the banner of its destiny.