The Juche philosophy is the most thoroughgoing popular philosophy and has perfectly reflected the character of the popular masses. That is because the Juche philosophy is evolved and developed from the most correct viewpoint and attitude to the popular masses.
Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“With a viewpoint and attitude that the popular masses are the masters of everything and the wisest people, our Party has evolved the Juche philosophy by reflecting their demand and aspirations and generalizing their struggle experiences, further developed it in depth and made it their weapon of struggle.”
The character of the popular masses is one of the main features which a true philosophy should reflect.
The purpose of studying philosophy is to illuminate the fundamental way of shaping the destiny of the popular masses. That is why only the popular philosophy which serves the popular masses can perform its original mission and can be scientific, revolutionary and viable philosophy.
First of all, the Juche philosophy is a philosophy that most correctly reflects the demand and aspirations of the popular masses.
Correctly reflecting the demand and aspirations of the popular masses is a precondition of evolving the philosophy in the way of realizing the opinion and demand of the popular masses.
The demand and aspirations of the popular masses are an independent demand and aspirations of the popular masses to live and develop independently as the master of the world and their own destiny free from all subordinations and restrictions of the society. The new era of humanity, the Juche era has raised it as its historical task to evolve philosophy in a new way, reflecting the new independent demand and aspirations of the oppressed masses.
The Juche philosophy has confirmed the independent demand and aspirations of the popular masses to live and develop free from all the exploitations and oppression, subordination and restrictions and evolved the man-centered philosophical principle, generalizing it and established the Juche-oriented viewpoint and attitude centering on the popular masses. It also established the people-centred Juche-oriented viewpoint and attitude by which the people can make history with high awareness that they are masters of their own destiny. All the principles and contents including the essential characteristics of man, the position and role man takes in the world and the peculiar law of the social movement originally clarified by the Juche philosophy reflected and generalized the demand and aspirations of the popular masses.
Next, the Juche philosophy is a philosophy that was evolved and developed by generalizing the struggle experience of the popular masses.
The performers of the practical struggle of transforming the nature and society are the popular masses. Therefore, a philosophy should be evolved and developed by generalizing the struggle experience of the popular masses in order to be a true popular philosophy.
The Juche philosophy has been evolved by generalizing the rich struggle experience of our people and constantly developed. All struggles of our people conducted from the period of arduous and severe anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle; the period of building new democratic Korea; the period of grim and severe Fatherland Liberation War; complex and difficult period of postwar rehabilitation; the period of untrodden socialist revolution and socialist construction up to today when we are constructing thriving country safeguarding the socialism of our own and frustrating the imperialists’ and reactionaries’ plots to isolate and stifle our country—this have proved that submission and dogmatism would bring the country and revolution to ruin and that only strengthening our own internal force and enhancing their role by upholding the independent line can promote the revolution and construction with greater vigor through practical experience.
The Juche philosophy has been evolved and developed by generalizing not only the practical revolutionary struggle experience of our own people but also the experience of the progressive people’s struggle in the world.
The historical lessons of collapse of socialism in several countries eloquently proved that those countries in various stages of development of revolution and in different historical situation and condition cannot advance the revolution and construction by the help of the existing idea or by others’ instructions. The historical experience of the cause of independence of humanity proved that the struggle of the progressive people in the world who are marching toward the independence cannot be checked with any means and that the revolution and construction should be advanced independently and creatively suiting to their condition.
Next, the Juche philosophy serves as the weapon of the struggle of the popular masses.
Only when it illuminates the way of the popular masses’ struggle, can the philosophy can be a true popular philosophy that serves the people’s revolutionary struggle as the weapon of the struggle.
The Juche philosophy clarified the principles and lawfulness of the revolutionary movement centering on the popular masses and put forward the strategy and tactics of revolutionary struggle putting main importance in the role of the popular masses. The Juche philosophy perfectly settled all the ideological and practical issues arising in many fields ranging from the essence and cause of revolution to national liberation, class and human emancipation, social transformation, nature-remaking and remoulding of men.
The Juche philosophy is not doctrine to simply interpret the world scientifically or the philosophy for the sake of philosophy but a philosophy for the popular masses maintain as the guideline to work out the destiny of the popular masses.
The Juche philosophy shines as the most popular philosophy since it reflected the demand and aspirations of the popular masses and generalized their rich fighting experience and illuminated the way of the popular masses’ struggle.