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Validity and Originality of Juche-oriented Outlook of Social History

    The Juche idea applied the philosophical principle that man is master of everything and decides everything to social history and thus clarified newly the principle that the popular masses are the subject of history and the socio-historical movement is an independent, creative and conscious movement.

    The socio-historical principle clarified by the Juche idea is the new outlook on social history, the Juche-oriented outlook on social history.

    Validity and originality of the Juche-oriented outlook of social history is that it considered the popular masses as the subject of social history and clarified the law governing the historical and revolutionary development with the masses as the centre.

    What is regarded as the centre of consideration on social history is one of criteria that evaluates the validity and originality of the view of social history. How to analyze and appreciate the social and historical phenomena and how to develop and systematize the socio-historical principle are decided by what is regarded as the centre in considering social history.

    The Juche-oriented outlook of social history is the people-centred view of social history that regarded the popular masses as the subject of social history and is developed with the masses as the centre. The Juche idea newly clarified scientifically and profoundly for the first time in the history that the social movement is the movement of the subject and the popular masses are the subject of social history.

    The popular masses are the subject of social history because they embody truly the independence, creativity and consciousness of a social being and because history is made and society developed only by the popular masses.

    Human history shows that all material and spiritual wealth are created by the popular masses at every time and in every society and progressive transformation of society is made only by the awakened and united masses.

    Unlike this, the reactionary rulers, the exploiting class try to check the progress of history. After all, the ruling and exploiting class cannot be the subject of history but the reactionary of history, the object of revolution. An individual’s wisdom and strength cannot be compared with those of the popular masses however outstanding he is, He can be the subject of history and make contribution to the development of society and revolution only when he becomes a member of the popular masses.

    Validity and originality of the Juche-oriented outlook of social history is also that it raised as a task of philosophy the demand of the present era to explain the peculiar law of the social movement and settled it brilliantly.

    How correctly the demand of the era is reflected and settled is another one of criteria that appreciate the validity and originality of the view of social history.

    This is the Juche era that is fundamentally different from the past ones. The fundamental characteristic of the Juche era is that the popular masses who had been regarded as the object of history have emerged as the masters of history and their destiny, shaping their destiny independently and creatively. The Juche era in which the working masses of the people have emerged as the powerful force dominating the world raised it as the most important demand to illuminate a new road for them, the masters to make history and develop society with independent, creative and conscious activities.

    Regarding it as the most important task to elucidate the peculiar law of the Juche-oriented outlook of social history acting in the social movement as the movement of the subject, the Juche-oriented outlook of social history clarified that the social movement is an independent, creative and conscious movement of the popular masses.

    Explaining that it is, in essence, the history of the popular masses’ struggle for independence, the principle that the social movement is an independent movement of the popular masses clarifies the peculiar law that their independence is realized. The principle that the social movement is a creative movement of the popular masses clarifies the peculiar law that the social movement develops according to the enhancement of the masses’ creative role. The principle that the social movement is a conscious movement of the popular masses explained that the revolutionary struggle is accelerated by the decisive role of the masses’ ideological consciousness of independence and, on its basis, clarifies the peculiar law that the revolutionary movement develops in accordance with the enhancement of the role of the masses’ ideological consciousness of independence.

    Validity and originality of the Juche-oriented outlook of social history is also that it perfectly clarified not only the correct view of social history but the most scientific and revolutionary view point and stand to be maintained in the socio-historical movement, the revolutionary movement.

    View of social history can fulfill its mission as a weapon to accelerate social movement, the revolutionary movement and become the one with perfect structural system only when it clarifies correctly the viewpoint and stand of approaching the development of history and social revolution.

    The Juche-oriented outlook of social history clarified that social movement, the revolutionary movement is undertaken by the active action and role of the popular masses, the subject in an independent, creative and conscious way in accordance with its peculiar law. On this basis, the Juche-oriented outlook on social history established newly the viewpoint and stand of combining guidance and the masses in the historical development and social revolution, maintaining the independent and creative stand and putting stress on ideology. Combining guidance with the masses is the most important fundamental principle to be kept in the revolutionary struggle in order to occupy the position as the subject of history and play the role as such. Independent stand is the fundamental stand to be maintained to defend the interest of the popular masses and realize independence in the revolutionary movement. The creative stand is the fundamental method to be maintained in conduction the revolutionary movement by giving full play to the people’s role according to the specific situation. The principle of putting stress on ideology is the viewpoint, stand and principle that enables to accelerate the revolutionary movement by relying on their ideological consciousness of independence.

    Like this, the Juche-oriented outlook on social history is the most valid and original outlook on social history that clarified perfectly the subject of social movement and the law of social development , the viewpoint and stand on the social movement with the popular masses at the centre.