Today the Korean people are displaying an indomitable mental strength in the general onward march to build a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country. The indomitable mental strength of the Korean people serves as a powerful driving force that brings about a revolutionary great upsurge in building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country.
The great, prosperous and powerful socialist country that will be built in the DPRK is the country which possesses the powerful political and ideological strength along with the powerful military and economic strength.
Political and ideological strength and military and economic strength are main factors of national strength deciding destiny of a country and nation. The most important one of them is political and ideological strength, that is, mental strength of popular masses. Modern military and technical means and huge economic potentialities can be a treasured sword that reliably guarantees independence and dignity of country and nation and a foundation for its prosperity only when they are combined with mental strength of the popular masses.
Mental strength of popular masses is the best treasure of nation that can not be compared with anything and a powerful weapon that is more powerful than a nuclear weapon.
The Korean people possess powerful mental strength and a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country is the powerful socialist country of Juche that is built by dint of their inexhaustible ideological strength, the great mental strength.
The indomitable mental strength of the Korean people displaying in building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country is, first of all, the mental strength of single-hearted unity.
It is the quintessence of Songun Korea’s indomitable mental strength.
The Korean people have acquired it as their faith and will through the revolutionary practice that the idea and lines put forward by leader Kim Jong Il are the most correct guiding principle for independence of the popular masses and they would surely win victory if they are led by him.
That is why the Korean people regard the slogan “When the Party is determined, we can do anything!” as the motto of their life and struggle and play the role of vanguard fig
There is no limit in the mental strength of the people who are single-mindedly united behind their leader and there is no fortress that can not be occupied by dint of the strength.
The indomitable mental strength of the Korean people displaying in building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country is also the mental strength of national dignity that they want to leap higher and faster to beat the world.
The Korean people possess strong national pride.
National dignity is a life and soul for the Korean people who want to leap higher and faster to beat the world.
That is why the Korean people are now creating continuous miracles and innovations in the building of a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country with the courageous spirit to look out over the world while keeping their feet on their land and with the mental strength of strong national pride to push back the frontiers of the world science and technology in all fields.
The indomitable mental strength of the Korean people displaying in building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country is also the mental strength of self-reliance and fortitude.
Self-reliance is revolutionary spirit of an independent man to shape out his destiny with his own efforts.
As proved by history, dependence upon outside forces leads to national subjugation and ruin, but self-reliance defends and adds luster to independence of a country and nation. The Korean people are now making a breakthrough in the building of a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country with the confidence in their strength and by relying on their own strength, technology and natural resources. The Korean people do not want to rely on others though many things are needed and absent for them.
Such successes as a satellite, ultramodern CNC technology and the Juche iron developed by the efforts of the Korean people themselves in the building of a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country are the fruition of the Korean people’s mental strength of self-reliance and fortitude.
The indomitable mental strength of the Korean people displaying in building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country is also the mental strength of noble love and devotion for the future of the country.
The building of a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country is a sacred and worthwhile struggle to hand over to the posterities the powerful and prosperous country that guarantees eternal national prosperity.
Today, the Korean people are creating the bright future of a great, prosperous and powerful country with a noble view on life, “Let us live not merely for today but for tomorrow!” The Korean people with the far-reaching ambition and the creative spirit that they want to live for tomorrow create everything of eternal value while looking far ahead into the future.
The Korean people’s aim of building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country is high and they have still many ordeals and difficulties in realizing the aim. But the Korean people with the indomitable mental strength would surely build a great, prosperous and powerful socialist country by their own efforts.