Interrelations between Juche Idea and Songun Idea
The Songun idea is the idea whose principled and methodological basis is the Juche idea.
The Songun idea embodies thoroughly the principles of the Juche idea.
The Songun idea embodies the principle of independence clarified by the Juche idea.
Independence is fundamental ideal that runs consistently through the Juche idea.
Independence is life and soul of country and popular masses and fundamental stand to be maintained in revolutionary struggle and construction work.
The Songun idea is a revolutionary idea that illuminated the road of frustrating with arms all sorts of counterrevolutionary violence of enemy and realizing independence of the country and the popular masses by embodying the principle of independence clarified by the Juche idea.
The struggle against imperialism, the main factor subordinating independence of the country and popular masses is accompanied by serious confrontation of power.
It is impossible to realize independence of the country and the popular masses without revolutionary violence that can deal with counterrevolutionary violence of enemy.
The Songun idea is the revolutionary idea that considers arms of the revolution as a powerful weapon that guarantees the independent dignity and position of the country and the popular masses.
The Songun idea embodies the principle on the subject of revolution clarified by the Juche idea.
The Juche idea clarifies the revolutionary principle that social movement, the revolutionary movement is the movement of the subject that is caused and developed by volitional action and role of the subject and demands to pay primary significance to the subjective factor and enhance its role to solve all problems in the revolution and construction.
Various factors act in the process of victorious advance of the revolutionary movement.
If the subject is not thoroughly prepared, the revolutionary movement cannot be caused nor victorious although favourable situation and conditions are provided for the revolutionary movement.
Based on such understanding on the interrelations between the subjective factor and the objective factor acting in the process of victorious advance of the revolution, the Juche idea clarified that it is a correct way for victory of the revolution to strengthen the subject and enhance its role, and build up the hardcore forces.
The Songun idea is the revolutionary idea that illuminates the scientific road of considering the revolutionary army as hardcore forces and put it at a centre to strengthen the subject by embodying the principle on the subject of revolution clarified by the Juche idea.
If the popular masses are to become the independent subject of history, the subject of revolution that propels social development and revolutionary movement while shaping their destiny independently and creatively, they should be awakened and organized.
The popular masses can be awakened and organized only when they are guided by the party and the leader and they have their own genuine army, the revolutionary army.
The Songun idea clarified the idea of placing the army before the working class that considers the revolutionary army as hardcore forces of the revolutionary subject and thus brilliantly embodied the principle on strengthening the subject of revolution and enhancing its role clarified by the Juche idea.
The Songun idea is the revolutionary idea that embodies the theory of ideology clarified by the Juche idea.
On the basis of the theory of ideology that ideology determines everything and everything can be done if the people’s ideology is mobilized, the Juche idea pays attention to the ideological consciousness of the people and regards the ideological and spiritual factor as the main.
All activities of man reflect his demand and interest and ideological consciousness, form of consciousness that reflects his demand and interest plays decisive role in his activities.
The Songun idea embodies the Juche-oriented theory of ideology to consider the ideology and might of the revolutionary army as the main.
Arms that is mentioned in the Songun idea is revolutionary army.
The Songun idea considers the might of ideology as the main in the might of revolutionary army and pays the primary and biggest attention to its strengthening.
Military strength occupies an important position in the might of army. However, what is more important in the might of army is the political and ideological might, the might of ideology displayed by the revolutionary army.
As ideological consciousness plays a decisive role in man’s activities, ideological preparedness and fighting will of revolutionary army determine the might of armed equipment, strategy and tactics that is displayed in the combatant process.
The Songun idea defines that might of arms is the might of ideology, thus embodying brilliantly the Juche-oriented theory of ideology.
Like this, the Songun idea has relations which are inconceivable without the Juche idea since it is the revolutionary theory that clarifies the law, strategy and tactics of revolution with the Juche idea as its principled and methodological basis.