This is the era of the independence.
No countries and nations desire their sovereignty to be trampled upon, but desire to live and develop independently.
In order to realize the independence of the country and nation, it is important to build a self-supporting national economy.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung said.
“Our independent national economy serves as a solid material guarantee for the political independence of the country and for the increase of our defence capacity.”
An independent national economy is economy which stands on its own feet, not being subordinated to others and the economy that serves its people and develops using its resources and relying on the strength of its people.
First of all, it is the essential requirement for maintaining political independence of the country to build an independent national economy.
An independent national economy is a material guarantee of the political independence of the country.
Self-sufficiency in national economy makes it possible to maintain political independence on a solid material foundation and defend sovereignty of the people.
It also makes it possible to formulate independent line and policies according to the specific reality of the country and implement them to the end.
Without the proper estimation and mobilization of the economic strength, no countries could correctly formulate their line and policies and fulfill them. The line and policies, not supported by the estimation of the economic strength and the method to mobilize it, fail to be realistic. This shows that the formulation and implementation of independent line and policies should be guaranteed by self-supporting economic strength.
It is another requirement for guaranteeing materially the prosperity of the country and people’s livelihood to build an independent national economy.
The building of an independent national economy enables us to use natural resources of the country in an effective and collective way to rapidly boost production capacity, ceaselessly enhancing people’s living.
It is important to build an independent national economy, because only then could we properly produce and supply on our own those things essentially needed in large numbers for the prosperity of the country and the people’s living.
Trying to resolve economic problems by inviting foreign investment without stable economic assets, it is a day dream and a path to be subordinated.
It is also important requirement for developing self-reliant defense capability to build an independent national economy.
National power means military strength and the invincible might of the country and nation is in the military power strong enough to defeat any intruders.
If strong in defense capabilities, you can successfully defend and glorify the sovereignty of the country and nation. If not, however, you will fatally be slaves of aggressors.
You should establish, solidify and develop the powerful national defense industry to build up self-defensive military strength. For this you should build an independent national economy.
Self-reliant defence industry based on its independent national economy serves as the military and economic guarantee for championing the security of the country and the national sovereignty from the imperialists’ invasion.
We should thoroughly maintain the principle of self-reliance in order to successfully build an independent national economy.
Self-reliance is the fundamental principle that the people of each country should surely maintain to develop the economy and strengthen the material and technical foundation of the country, trusting their own might and relying on internal sources of the country.
The self-reliant economic foundation of our socialist country is the valuable ac
Under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the DPRK endeavors at present to further solidify the might of its independent economy and give the fullest play to its potentials, vigorously speeding up the building of a thriving nation.