In order to accomplish the cause of the people for independence, the cause of socialism it is necessary to preserve the Juche character and national character of the revolution and construction.
Preserving the Juche character of the revolution and construction means that the popular masses shape the destiny of their country and nation and their own destiny independently and creatively as the masters of their destiny.
Preserving the national character of the revolution and construction means preserving and developing the good qualities of the nation and embodying them in all spheres of social life.
Preserving the Juche character and national character of the revolution and construction is a principled requirement for carrying out the socialist cause in keeping with its own nature of independence and past and present conditions.
The cause of socialism is the revolutionary cause for realizing independence of the popular masses. The socialist cause that has it as the supreme ideal to realize completely independence of the popular masses should be carried out independently according to their faith. It cannot be carried out by any outside opinions and instructions. It can advance and be accomplished only by the struggle of the masses who have risen up to shape their destiny by their own efforts.
The socialist cause for realizing independence of the people is carried on with a country and nation as a unit. A country and nation is a place of people’ living as well as a basic unit in which they shape their destiny. The masses' destiny is inseparably linked with the destiny of their country and nation. Since the popular masses live and shape their destiny within a nation-state as a unit, the masses' cause of independence, the socialist cause, is inconceivable without their country and nation. It is impossible to realize the masses' independence unless the independence of their country and nation is ensured.
In order to realize the cause of the people for independence it is also necessary to preserve the national character. Social man is a member of a social stratum or a social class as well as a member of a nation. He has both the class character and national character. Since each nation has peculiar cultural traditions that have been formed and consolidated down through history, preserving the national character is the common requirement of all countries and all peoples. There exist no people who do not love and value their country and nation or like to see the dignity and soul of their nation trampled upon and ignored. Only when preserving the national character it is possible to materialize correctly the independent demands and interests of the popular masses and keep the dignity of the country and the soul of the nation.
This clearly shows that preserving the Juche character and national character is a principled requirement for carrying out the socialist cause in keeping with its own nature of independence and specific conditions.