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    Leader Kim Jong Il said.

    “Living and struggling like heroes means struggling with total devotion for the revolutionary cause of the popular masses, not for one’s own interests and fame.”

    In the old exploiter society only exceptional people with outstanding qualities were considered as heroes.

    So it was impossible for the ordinary people to be heroes and people, in spite of loving their country and nation ardently, failed to find the right course for their struggle and shed their blood in van, spending their whole lives fruitlessly.

    But the heroes in society where they are masters of the country are those people who enjoy the love and respect of the people for the great services they have rendered for the good of the fatherland and the people, society and the collective. So people with outstanding qualities and the ordinary people can all become heroes.

    Heroes are those who silenced an enemy gun muzzle with their chests in a battle to defend the country, made innovations in the socialist construction or made valuable contributions to the building of socialism while quietly carrying out their duties with boundless devotion for the people’s cause of independence. To live like them is just to live heroically.

    To live like a hero and to become a hero is the most valuable and worthwhile way of life and the highest honour for a man.

    It is important to have a collectivist outlook on life in order to live and struggle like a hero.

    Only individualistic heroism would come from a man with individualistic outlook on life. No noble self-sacrifice or heroic deed can be expected from a selfish man. A man, who believes that it is the greatest value and worth in life to contribute to the society and the collective, which are incomparably more precious than his own individual self, can live heroically.

    In order to live and struggle like a hero, it is essential to be loyal to the Party and the leader and struggle with devotion to carry out the Party’s lines and policy.

    The Party and the leader represent the requirements of society and the collective. Therefore, anyone who follows the leadership of the Party and the leader loyally and works with devotion in carrying out the revolutionary tasks can become a hero and enjoy a heroic life.