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What is the revolutionary outlook on the masses?

    Leader Kim Jong Il said.

    “The revolutionary outlook on the masses is the concept and attitude of regarding the masses as the masters of the revolution and serving them, and of carrying out the revolution by believing in and relying on their inexhaustible strength.”

    The revolutionary outlook on the masses is, first of all, the concept and attitude of regarding the masses as the masters of revolution and serving them.

    That we regard the masses as masters of the revolution means that we have the concept that the masses demand and carry out revolution and construction. That we serve the masses means that we respect and defend the desire and interest of the masses and devote ourselves to this end.

    Masters of the revolution are the masses and the revolution is the struggle conducted by the masses to realize their independence. Only with their struggle can the masses build a new society and build an independent and creative life.

    The attitude of serving the masses with devotion stems from the concept that the masses are the masters of revolution.

    Since the masses are the masters of the revolution, it is deserved attitude of revolutionaries to respect the desire and interest of the masses and struggle to defend and realize it.

    The concept and attitude of regarding the masses as the masters of the revolution and serving them is fundamentally against the acts of looking down upon the masses, shouting at them, wielding authority and behave bureaucratically.

    The revolutionary outlook on the masses is, next, the concept and attitude of carrying out the revolution by believing in the masses and relying on their strength.

    That we believe the strength of the masses means that we consider the masses as the most intelligent, clever and powerful beings. That we make revolution relying on the strength of the masses means that we solve all problems in the revolution and construction by mobilizing the masses.

    The masses are the most powerful beings in the world.

    An individual, however wise and able he may be, can acquire only a very limited part of wisdom and strength that have been accumulated by humanity down through ages. The masses alone fully embody all the social wealth that mankind has accumulated historically and have the creative ability to shape their own destiny by harnessing nature and transforming society and people themselves.

    In carrying out the revolution there can be no other alternative than to rely on the efforts of the masses. To this end, the masses should be awakened to ideological consciousness and united organizationally.

    The concept and attitude of carrying out the revolution by believing and relying on the efforts of the masses are fundamentally different with great power chauvinism, pessimism and defeatism that come from the lack of confidence in the strength of the masses.