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Through what kind of historic course does the revolution advance?

    The revolutionary movement to realize the independence of the popular masses advances through the historical struggle of national liberation, class emancipation and human freedom.

    Leader Kim Jong Il said:

    “The new age that witnessed the appearance of the working class and other working masses as a great force controlling the world, demanded the evolvement of a new world outlook which would enable them to become masters of their own destiny, shaping it in an independent and creative way, and to realize successfully the historic cause of national liberation, class emancipation and human freedom. This historic task was brilliantly accomplished with the evolution of Juche idea.”

    First, the revolutionary movement to realize the independence of the popular masses advances, beginning with the revolution of national liberation.

    The revolution of national liberation is a struggle to liquidate domination and subjugation of the foreign imperialists and realize the independence of the country and the nation.

    It is the revolutionary struggle of the first stage in the popular masses’ revolutionary movement for independence, because the destiny of the popular masses is closely linked to that of the nation and to be free from national oppression and domination is a foundation, prerequisite for class emancipation and human freedom.

    The basic task of the revolution of national liberation is to liquidate the foreign imperialists and national traitors in collusion with them, and to build an independent nation with full sovereignty.

    The revolution of national liberation can be triumphant only by the organized armed struggle based on the united strength of the nation, since the imperialist aggressors maintain a huge colonial fascist repressive apparatus and brutally suppress the revolutionary advance of the popular masses.

    Next, the revolutionary movement of the popular masses for independence develops from the revolution of national liberation into that of class emancipation.

    The revolution of class emancipation is a revolution for the popular masses to become masters of state and society free from all sorts of class exploitation and oppression.

    In class society the reactionary exploiting class monopolizes the political power and exercises anti-popular dictatorship to infringe and eradicate the democratic freedom and rights of the popular masses, and keeps the means of production and harshly exploits and plunders the popular masses.

    Therefore, it is inevitable for the popular masses who suffer from class domination and oppression of the exploiting class to participate in the revolution of class emancipation for their sovereignty after accomplishing the revolution of national liberation.

    The basic task of this revolution is to liquidate exploiting class and system and make the popular masses masters of state and society. The popular masses overthrow the exploiter society, hold state power and the means of production in their hands, thus occupying the position of masters of state and society.

    The historic task of class emancipation is accomplished through socialist revolution. In those countries where capitalism has been developed the task of class emancipation is to be accomplished by directly carrying out socialist revolution. However in those countries where feudal relations have remained due to the irregular development of capitalism, the people’s democratic revolution should be first carried out and then socialist revolution in succession, thus accomplishing the cause of class emancipation.

    Next, the revolutionary movement of the popular masses for their independence achieves its final aim through the revolution for human freedom.

    The revolution for human freedom is the revolutionary movement of the highest stage to fully free the popular masses from the fetters of nature and old ideas and culture.

    The popular masses are not fully free from the fetters of nature and old ideas and culture after national liberation and class emancipation have been achieved, so they can’t realize their independence to the full. Therefore in order to achieve the final aim of the revolutionary movement of the popular masses for independence the revolution of national liberation and class emancipation have to be carried out and then the revolution for human freedom as well.

    The basic task of the revolution for human freedom is to transform nature and develop productive forces, providing people with rich and plentiful material life, and to root out backward ideas and culture, the remnants of old society, and make revolutionary ideas and culture prevail over the whole society.

    The historic task of human freedom is accomplished through the three revolutions of ideology, technology and culture. The three revolutions, unlike the struggle against exploiting class and system, are carried on by educating and remolding people and rallying them as one, not by violence and suppression, and by creating the new and overcoming the old in the fields of ideology, technology and culture.

    Only through the revolution for human freedom and three revolutions of ideology, technology and culture, the popular masses can fully realize their independence free from the fetters of nature and old ideas and culture.