Revolution is caused when independence of the masses is infringed upon and they are prepared politically with high sense of consciousness of independence.
In general, revolution is caused when independence, life and soul of the masses is infringed upon. This is an objective factor of revolution.
It is intrinsic demand of the masses to live and develop independently as masters of the world and their destiny against all sorts of subordination and subjugation.
However, the masses’ aspiration and demand to live and develop independently are encroached upon and suppressed by many factors. In particular, in the old and reactionary exploiter society the masses become the target of exploitation and oppression and, therefore their independence is infringed upon. Even after the exploiter system is overthrown and a new system, the socialist system is established, the remnants of the old society still remain in the fields of ideology, technique and culture, which suppress independence of the masses.
Like this, revolution takes place because the masses demand to live and develop independently but they are suppressed.
In direct way, revolution is caused by high sense of consciousness of independence and political readiness of the people.
President Kim Il Sung said.
“The direct cause of a social revolution lies in a high sense of independence and political readiness among the masses.”
Revolution is not caused of its own accord at any time though the masses’ independence is infringed upon and suppressed. Infringement and suppression of independence is not a direct reason but an objective condition.
First, if revolution is to be caused, the masses should be armed with high sense of consciousness of independence.
When the masses are not awakened ideologically, they are not interested in revolution while considering exploitation and oppression as their predestined fate. Revolution is caused only when the masses are aware of their class position and interest and armed with consciousness of independence.
Next, if revolution is to take place, the masses should be prepared politically.
That the masses are prepared politically means that they are rallied into one political force. Revolution is by no means a struggle of a few individuals but an organized struggle of the masses. In order to make revolution that accompanies serious class struggle against counter-revolutionary forces and change fundamentally nature, society and themselves, the people should be firmly united into one political force. The masses who are organizationally rallied with the party and the leader as a core to become the subject of revolution can only become the powerful force that cause revolution.