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What is the essence of the Juche-based theory on ideology?

    It is that people’s ideology is the main and everything is decided by their ideology in the revolutionary struggle and construction work.

    Leader Kim Jong Il said that we advocate the theory on ideology that people’s ideology is the main and everything is decided by their ideology in the revolutionary struggle and construction work.

    The ideology in the theory on ideology is not the general ideological consciousness but the independent ideological consciousness.

    The independent ideological consciousness is the self-consciousness as master of one’s destiny and the will to shape one’s destiny by oneself.

    The theory on ideology makes it clear that people’s ideology is the main in the revolutionary struggle and construction work.

    It means that the whole process of revolutionary struggle and construction is dominated by ideological consciousness. People’s ideological consciousness is the main in the revolutionary struggle and construction work because ideology is the main factor that enables the popular masses to occupy the position of masters in revolutionary struggle and construction work.

    Ideology makes it possible for the popular masses to rise up in the revolutionary struggle and construction work with the attitude befitting masters and carry out the revolutionary task to the end with the correct strategy and tactics. The theory on ideology clarifies that everything is decided by people’s ideology

    It means that ideology is a decisive factor that guarantees all successes in the revolutionary struggle and construction work. Everything is decided by people’s ideology because ideology is a decisive factor that enables the popular masses to fulfill their role as masters in the revolution and construction.

    The role of ideological consciousness in the revolutionary struggle and construction work is further enhanced as the revolutionary movement develops and the socialist construction progresses.

    In order to speed up the revolution and construction as required by the theory on ideology, it is important to keep putting stress on ideology and firmly maintain the principle of giving priority to ideological remolding and political work.