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Why is the socialist movement the highest form of creative movement?

    It is because the socialist and communist movement is a movement to build an ideal society where the independence and creativity of the popular masses are fully realized and their creativity is fully displayed.

    Leader Kim Jong Il said:

    “The communist movement organized and developed by the working class is the highest form of creative movement in human history.”

    First of all the socialist movement aims to build an ideal society where independence and creativity of the popular masses are fully realized. How high level of creative movement is the socio-historical movement is decided by whether it builds a society in which the popular masses’ independence and creativity are fully realized.

    Human history is the history in which independence and creativity of the popular masses are realized step by step. But all the social movements before the socialist movement were not to put an end once and for all to the exploiter system itself, the source of restricting independence and creativity of the popular masses.

    The socialist movement is the one to liquidate the exploiter society where the masses’ independence and creativity are restrained and to build the socialist society, the one that has not been witnessed so far in human history, where their independence and creativity are fully realized. Therefore, the socialist movement becomes the highest form of creative movement.

    Next, the socialist movement is the one where the creative power of the popular masses is fully manifested.

    The fuller the creative power of the masses, the performer of social movement, is displayed, the higher form of creative movement it becomes. The creative activities of the masses have been seriously restrained by the reactionary ruling class during the whole historical period of exploiter societies. Only through the socialist movement could they finally become the genuine creators of history who transform the world to meet their own will and demand and shape their destiny independently and creatively.

    Through the socialist movement the socio-political and ideological and spiritual factors which restrain the creative power of the masses are gradually overcome and their creative ability is fostered purposefully and displayed to the full.

    Particularly in the socialist movement popular masses achieve the firmest unity and cohesion and fully display their revolutionary ability under the leadership of preeminent leader and revolutionary party.

    Like this the socialist and communist movement is the highest form of creative movement as it is the one to build the socialist, communist society where the independence and creativity of the popular masses are fully realized comprehensively and their creative power is displayed to the full.