The independent subject of history is the subject of history that is firmly united around the leader organizationally and ideologically.
Since the inception of human society, the people have made history and developed society as the subject of history. But after division of society into hostile classes and after the emergence of exploiter society, the people have suffered severe exploitation and oppression.
As a result, the people could not hold due position as the subject of history nor play the role as makers of history.
The historic change from the subject of history to the independent subject of history is only possible when the working class appears on the arena of history and they are guided under the leadership of an outstanding leader.
General Secretary Kim Jong Il said.
“How the masses are awakened to consciousness and organized in a revolutionary way, and how they perform their revolutionary duties and historic mission, depend on whether or not they are given correct leadership by the party and the leader.”
The emergence of the working class provided socio-class condition for the people to be an independent subject of history.
The working class was born in history when capitalist society began to rise after the fall of feudal society.
As the core elements of the people, the working class has led the people in the revolutionary struggle. This provided socio-class foundation for the people to develop into independent subject of history.
But this does not mean that only with the emergence of the working class, can the people become independent subject of history.
The decisive factor that enables the people to become independent subject of history is the leadership of an outstanding leader. In other words, the people can be the independent subject of history with their destiny in their hands only when they are awakened and organized in a revolutionary manner by the outstanding leader.