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Why is socialism sure to be victorious?

     It is because socialism is the aspiration and will of the popular masses and it is the inevitable requirements of historical development that the society based on individualism will convert into the one based on collectivism.

    Leader Kim Jong Il said:

    “For its scientific accuracy and truth, socialism is sure to be victorious.”

    There could be turns and twists in the course of progress, since socialism has to pave untrodden path through the fierce class struggle against class enemies. But socialism is sure to be victorious for its scientific accuracy and truth. This is the law of historical development.

    First it is because socialism is the aspiration and will of the popular masses.

    Socialism is the ideal and aspiration of the popular masses to realize their intrinsic requirements as social being to live and develop independently. As long as social being exists the independent nature of man cannot change and as long as the popular masses remain as the subject of history their independent demands cannot change. Therefore, the aspiration of the masses for socialism can also not change. Denying socialism is to negate the independent demands of the popular masses and to deny the popular masses themselves, the subject of history. Socialism is the aspiration of the popular masses that cannot be checked as it embodies their intrinsic requirement.

    Socialism is an unshakable will of the popular masses as well as their aspiration. As socialism agrees with their independent demands, they have a firm resolution and determination to realize it to the last. No force can break the will of the popular masses, since socialism reflects the independent desire of the social being and the requirements of the law of the historical development.

    Next, it is because it’s the inevitable requirements of the historical development that the society based on individualism convert into the one based on collectivism.

    The society based on egoism inevitably results in class antagonism and social inequality, and is accompanied with the exploitation and oppression of the popular masses by a handful of ruling class. Capitalism has turned individualism into the unlimited greed of a handful of capitalists; it has precipitated antagonism in the society of individualism to the utmost. Therefore independence for the masses cannot be realized in hostile class societies based on individualism.

    Independence for the masses can only be realized in a society based on collectivism.

    Working in a social collective is the mode of man’s existence and his demand for independence can be satisfied only through collectivism. People can exist and develop only when they work as a social collective; they can transform nature and society and meet their demands for independence only through collective cooperation among members of society. Socialism is a society based on collectivism and is the most progressive one which conforms to man’s independent nature.

    Therefore a transition of the exploiting society based on individualism to the socialist society based on collectivism is an inevitable demand of historical development and socialism is sure to be victorious.

    It is also because socialism is a new one.

    It is a law of historical development that the new prevails and the old perishes. The new may experience twists and turns in its progress, but this law will never change. Socialism is a new society which is fundamentally different from all old societies which infringe on the independence of the popular masses. There’s no other way but to build socialism to realize the independence of the popular masses. For representing the new, socialism is sure to be victorious.