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What is the Juche-oriented socio-historical view?

     The Juche view of socio-history is the viewpoint, attitude and stand towards the socio-history clarified centring on the masses of the people.

    In other words, it is the viewpoint and stand of approaching the peculiar law of socio-historical movement, historical development and social revolution that were clarified centring on the people.

    General Secretary Kim Jong Il said.

    “While admitting the general laws of the progress of the material world which affect social history, the Juche idea expounded the laws which are peculiar to social history. …

    The Juche idea established the new viewpoint and stand which see historical development and social revolution with the popular masses, the subject, at the centre.”

    One of the contents of the Juche view of socio-history is the view of socio-history and peculiar law of socio-historical movement that were clarified centring on the people.

    On the basis of the principle that the subject of history is the masses of the people, the Juche view of socio-history clarifies the principle that the socio-historical movement is independent, creative and conscious movement of the people and thus discovers the peculiar law of socio-historical movement. This is a new clarification of the nature, character and motive forces of socio-historical movement.

    Another content of the socio-historical view is the viewpoint and attitude of approaching historical development and social revolution centring on the people.

    On the basis of the principle that the socio-historical movement is independent, creative and conscious movement of the people, the Juche idea clarifies a new viewpoint and attitude of defending independent and creative stands and placing the main stress on ideology.

    Along with philosophical world outlook, the socio-historical view has developed through long history. But before Marxism, those who advocated materialism and dialectics, to say nothing of idealists took idealistic stand about socio-history. Marxism clarified that society, like nature, belongs to the material world and that it changes and develops according to the general law of the development of the material world, thus overcoming idealistic view of socio-history and establishing dialectical materialist view of socio-history. But Marxist historical materialism observed the process of social development only as spontaneous process, failing to discover the peculiar law of socio-historical movement, the movement of the subject.

    Unlike the previous views of socio-history, the Juche view of socio-history is characterized as the people-centred view of socio-history that newly raised the issue of subject of history as the basic issue and integrally systematized the viewpoint and attitude of approaching the peculiar law of socio-historical movement, the movement of the subject and social history centring on the people.