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What is the basic requirement to approach the change and development of the world with the main stress on man’s activity?

    The basic requirement is to regard it as the first process to make man more powerful being in all activities of transforming nature and society and to solve all problems in the revolution and construction by enhancing the creative role of man.

    President Kim Il Sung said:

    “Man is the most powerful being in the world and everything in the world can only be changed in his favor by his creative activities. Therefore, in all the activities to transform nature and society the first process must be to train man to be a more powerful being, and all problems arising in the revolution and construction must be solved by increasing man’s creative role.”

    The basic requirement is first to regard it as the first process to make man more powerful being in all activities of cognizing and transforming nature and society.

    Man is the subject of cognition and practice. Man not only demands the cognition and transformation of the world but also realizes them.

    Man has creative, cognitive and practical ability capable of cognizing and transforming the world along with the ideological consciousness of independence. When man has higher ideological consciousness of independence, cognitive and practical ability, he can cognize the essence and law of motion of the world more thoroughly and transform the world more actively in conformity with his independent demands and interests. So we should regard it as the first process to make man more powerful being in all activities of cognition and practice.

    Next, the basic requirement is to solve all problems in cognition and practice by enhancing the creative role of man.

    Material and technical means take part in man’s cognitive and practical activities and they take place in a certain environment. Here, material and technical means and environment have great influence upon the cognitive and practical activities. However the decisive factor in cognition and transformation of world is the active role, creative activity of man himself. How big the action of objective condition may be, it cannot take the place of positive action and role of man.

    Therefore, they should solve all problems in cognizing and transforming the world mainly by enhancing man’s role.

    In order to enhance man’s role to the full, it is important to make people actively display the conscious enthusiasm and creativity by giving priority to political work. It is also important to correctly organize the balance of forces in conformity with the nature of the object, material and technical means and prevailing situation, and make scientific and reasonable use of man’s creative ability. Only then, can they achieve great success in cognitive and practical activities by enhancing man’s role to the full.