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Why does the Juche idea become the supreme humanitarianism?

    This is because the Juche idea is an idea of loving and valuing man most in the world.

    Leader Kim Jong Il said that as the Juche idea is an idea of loving and valuing man most in the world, it is an idea of ardently loving the country and nation most. Indeed, the Juche idea is the supreme humanitarianism that values man most and the highest patriotism that ardently loves the fatherland and the people.

    Humanitarianism is an idea of advocating and respecting man’s dignity, value and freedom, loving and caring man, and promoting man’s well-being. There were many ideas advocating humanitarianism in human history. But those ideas could not be genuine humanitarianism because they failed to clarify man’s dignity and value correctly and to put forward the methods for realizing it.

    The Juche idea clarified man’s dignity and value most correctly for the first time in history and advanced the revolutionary methods for its realization, thus becoming the genuine and supreme humanitarianism which loves and values man the most.

    The Juche idea first of all elucidated that man is a social being with independence, creativity and consciousness and on the basis of it, clarified that man is the master of everything and decided everything. This is the most scientific and original explanation on man’s intrinsic nature and the position and role played by man.

    The Juche idea scientifically clarified the intrinsic nature of a social man and the position and role played by man in the world for the first time in history, thus proving that man is the most valuable and powerful being and promoting man’s dignity and value to the supreme stage. Herein lies the reason why the Juche idea is the supreme humanitarianism.

    The Juche idea next clarified that everything in the world should be regarded with man in the centre and be made to serve the people, because it has values only when it is beneficial and serves man. This is the most scientific and original explanation on the fundamental principle to respect man’s dignity and value to the maximum and realize it.

    The Juche idea clarified the fundamental principles of cognition and practice of considering everything with man in the centre and making them serve man, thus providing the most scientific methodological guideline to embody humanitarian ideal that values and loves man. Herein lies the other reason why the Juche idea is the supreme humanitarianism.