To make the revolution and construction, creative methods should be applied along with independent stand.
Creative method is the fundamental method that should be depended in order to play the role of masters whereas the independent stand is the fundamental stand that should be maintained in order to defend rights and fulfil responsibility as masters of the revolution and construction.
What is the meaning of this stand and why is it necessary to apply this stand in the revolution and construction.
Leader Kim Jong Il said.
“The revolutionary movement, the creative activity of the masses, requires that the creative stand be always maintained firmly in the struggles to reshape nature and society.”
The creative stand is the stand that enables to solve all problems by believing the strength of the people and mobilizing their revolutionary zeal and creative initiatives in the struggle to reshape nature and society.
This stand comes from the fact that all the movements of the people to realize their independence through reshaping nature and society are creative activities. In other words, since their activities to transform nature and society are creative one, it is possible to successfully transform nature and society and develop history, when the creative stand is kept.
Why is it necessary to keep creative stand in the revolution and construction?
This is because, firstly, the creative stand is the stand that should be maintained by the people, the transformer of nature and society and shaper of their destiny.
As mentioned before, the masses of the people are the subject of history and masters of their destiny. They reshape nature and society, develop history and shape their destiny through their creative activities.
The creative stand is the stand that should be maintained by the people, the subject of history and masters of their destiny, to fulfill their responsibility.
In the previous lesson, we studied that the independent stand is one aspect of the master’s attitude that should be maintained by the people, the masters of the revolution and construction, and the creative stand is another aspect.
In order to be masters of nature and society, it is necessary not only to defend master’s rights in the revolution and construction and fulfil their responsibility but also to play the role of masters. Without playing the role of masters, one cannot defend the rights of masters and fulfil the responsibility.
The creative stand is the stand that should be maintained by the people, the masters of the revolution and construction, to fulfil the role of masters.
The second reason is that it is the fundamental method that should be maintained in the revolution and construction.
Why, then, does this stand become the fundamental method?
That is because this method is the method that enables the people to display creative wisdom and strength.
As mentioned before, the people are masters of the revolution and construction. The revolution and construction is for the people and should be made by the people.
The people have inexhaustible strength and wisdom to carry out the revolution and construction. When depending on the people, it is possible to correctly calculate subjective and objective conditions in the revolution and construction and successfully overcome difficulties in reshaping nature and society.
Without mobilizing the strength of the people, the masters of the revolution and construction, it is impossible to transform nature and society and win the revolution.
History does not know that revolution wins without the people.
This method is the fundamental method because it enables to solve all problems arising in the revolutionary movements according to the specific situation.
The revolution and construction to reshape nature and society take place in concrete reality that is diverse and constantly changing.
Each country shares different national characteristics and geographical conditions. In case of the same country, the condition of the revolution and construction become different according to historical period. Internal situation and international circumstance constantly change. This being the case, there cannot be universal formula that suits to every country.
In order to make the revolution and construction well, it is therefore necessary to map out correct policies that suit to the specific situation of the country.
In order to make the revolution and construction according to the constantly changing situation, it is important to solve all problems against the dogmatic thinking method that blindly imitates existing or other’s experience.
If not, it is impossible to make the revolution and construction well.
The creative stand is the stand to solve all problems creatively according to the specific conditions of the country against dogmatic stand.
When keeping the creative stand, it is possible to map out correct policies suiting to their situation and conduct the struggle to reshape nature and society.
That is why the creative stand is called the fundamental method that should be maintained in the revolution and construction.
The third reason for keeping this stand is that this stand is the revolutionary method that enables to satisfy the requirement of the revolutionary practice.
This is a new era in which the exploited and oppressed people emerged as masters of the world and shape their destiny in an independent and creative way.
This era in which the people in all countries rose in the struggle for independence requires to enhance the creative role of the people.
Only then, is it possible to make the revolution and construction well in each country and conduct the struggle for global independence, abolishing imperialism and colonialism in the international arena.
Whether one maintains creative stand or not is the fundamental question that decides whether the people become masters of the revolution and construction or not and whether they win the struggle for the building of a new society and new world.