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Policy of Construction for Promotion of People’s Well-being

It is the supreme principle of the Workers’ Party of Korea to take responsibility for the people’s life and to struggle for promotion of their well-being.

The people-first principle of the WPK is based on the spirit of making selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people and its mode of existence is to serve them. Regarding it as the most important matter to realize their demand and interests and sparing nothing for them—herein lies the true feature of the WPK and the viability of its policy of construction.

The basic orientation maintained by the WPK in construction is to channel primary efforts to the construction of projects for the people’s well-being while simultaneously pushing forward industrial construction and land development to consolidate economic foundations of the country. It is the steadfast will of the WPK that nothing should be spared for well-being of the people who absolutely trust the Party and make every effort to support the Party’s intention even in any storm and stress and that everything should be materialized with sure if it is desired by them.

Even under severe challenges and manifold hardships, special hospitals such as Ryugyong General Ophthalmic Hospital, Ryugyong Dental Hospital and Okryu Children’s Hospital, Medical Oxygen Factory, Pyongyang Dental Hygiene Goods Factory, Myohyangsan Medical Appliance Factory, Large-sized Greenhouse Farm and many others for the people were built on a large-scale and in a bold way. The achievements were made not because the DPRK had surplus funds. They are the fruition born by the steadfast will and persistent practice of the WPK that intends to promote well-being of the people, the most precious and the greatest in the world, even under any conditions.