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Work on Which Whole of UAWK Should Put Main Emphasis

In his letter to those attending the Eighth Congress of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea (UAWK) On Improving the Role of the UAWK in Accomplishing the Juche-oriented Socialist Cause, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un noted that the whole of the UAWK should put the main emphasis on the work with its members, which is the essence of its work.

Kim Jong Un clarified that the UAWK organizations should work well with its core, active members and lead them to play the vanguard role in carrying out their revolutionary tasks and to become models for the masses in all aspects, and direct strenuous efforts to working with laggards.

Saying that no one is ever born bad, nor is there anyone who cannot be educated and transformed in the DPRK socialist society, Kim Jong Un stressed that they should care more warmly for those who are troubled about their prospects and living conditions and foster and promote their positive deeds, however negligible they may be, so as to transform them into progressive and active elements.