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Mode of leadership is a main factor that decides leadership ability and combat efficiency of a party.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un clarified that the traditional mode of leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea is to solve all problems arising in the revolution and construction by relying on the people, the driving force of the revolution.

Strength of the people is immediately that of ideology and might of collectivism. The WPK has consistently maintained the principle of not only mapping out policies and lines by integrating desire and will of the people but implementing them by enlisting the people’s ideas. By applying the ideological theory of Juche that ideology is the main and ideological consciousness decides everything in the revolution and construction, the WPK has given definite priority to the ideological work to give free scope to the popular masses’ mental strength and creativity. It has widely organized different types of mass movement in every stage of developing revolution, thus enabling the people to display the might of collectivism and mass heroism.

The WPK has made efforts to rely on the people and enlist their mental strength so as to bring about ceaseless upsurge in the revolution and construction and, through the efforts, it has been strengthened and developed into a seasoned and revolutionary party possessed of remarkable organizing and leadership ability.