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President Kim Il Sung said.
“The direct cause of a social revolution lies in a high sense of independence and political readiness among the masses. A revolution will come about only when the popular masses become conscious of their class position, have a keen desire to rid themselves of domination and subjugation and live freely, and are ideologically and politically prepared to struggle to attain that desire. ”
The direct cause of the revolution lies in a high sense of independence and political readiness among the popular masses.
This means that a revolution comes about when the masses are conscious of their position and have a will to rid themselves of exploitation and oppression, domination and subjugation and live independently.
The popular masses whose life and soul is independence struggle to remove the factors of infringing and restricting upon their independence.
But exploitation and oppression themselves do not cause revolution.
If they are not prepared ideologically, the popular masses accept it as their destined fate without interest in the revolution even though they are exploited and oppressed. If then, a revolution cannot come about in any case.
Only when they have a high sense of class and fighting spirit to oppose exploitation and oppression and live as masters of the state and society, the masses are able to begin social revolution for socio-political independence against the old exploiter society.
Only when they are conscious of the demand to live as masters of nature and themselves free from all sorts of fetters, they are also able to take active part in the revolutionary struggle to realize complete independence by changing the old into the new in the fields of ideology, technology and culture, the cause of building socialism.
The direct cause of the revolution lies in political readiness among the masses. This means that a revolution comes about when they are united organizationally and prepared politically to be powerful political forces.
Revolution of transforming social system is severe confrontation with the reactionary exploiter class who are interested in maintaining the old exploiter system.
Counterrevolutionary forces, which are desperate to maintain their old social system, are liquidated and an advanced social system built by the strength of the politically prepared popular masses.
Removing old remnants in ideology, technology and culture and creating and developing the new is an all-people struggle undertaken by relying on their collective wisdom and strength, in the socialist society.
The popular masses should be ready to be organizationally prepared political force. Only then, they can transform nature, society and themselves in a socialist way.
At present a revolution doesn’t come about in the capitalist countries where the masses’ independence is encroached upon and antagonistic contradictions exist. It is because their sense of independence is poor and political forces capable of defeating the counterrevolutionary forces are not prepared.
If they have a high sense of independence and are united organizationally to be a powerful political force, a revolution is sure to come about.