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It is a main content of the revolution to overthrow an old social system and establish a new one.
What is important in winning the popular masses’ independence is to realize their socio-political independence. The popular masses’ political independence is realized only when a new social system is built after overthrowing an old one.
Social system is the main factor regulating the people’s social position and role. The old exploiting social system provides a handful of the exploiting and ruling classes with the privileged position and, on the other hand, ruthlessly tramples down and oppresses the popular masses’ independence. Therefore, in order to realize their socio-political independence, the popular masses wage revolutionary struggle to overthrow an old exploiting social system and build a new progressive social system.
The popular masses hold the position as masters of the state and society and play the role as such and comprehensively realize their socio-political independence thanks to the establishment of the socialist system.
That the DPRK enforced democratic reforms including the agrarian reform to set up the people’s democratic system after the liberation of the country and set up the socialist system through socialist transformation of old relations of production in the postwar period were the social revolutions that changed the people’s social and class position and brought about a turn in the social position and role of the masses of the working people.