President Kim Il Sung said.
“The revolution is essentially an organized struggle for defending and realizing the independence of the masses.”
It is an intrinsic demand of the popular masses to live and develop independently, free from all sorts of subordination and restriction.
The popular masses struggle for defending and realizing their independence.
The popular masses’ revolutionary struggles are diverse in form and different in task and way in the stage of their development. However, they aim to defend and realize independence free from all sorts of national and class subordination and remnants of old society.
Revolutionary movement liquidates the old and reactionary ones, but liquidation and overthrow is not the fundamental aim of the revolutionary movement. Revolution is immediately love for and trust in the people. Fundamental purpose of the revolutionary movement is to bring the masses’ independent demand and aspiration into reality, with boundless love for them.
The struggle for defending and realizing the popular masses’ independence is to abolish the old and create the new.
The old restricts the realization of the popular masses’ independence, whereas the new makes contribution to the realization of their independence. In the course of the struggle to liquidate the old and create the new, the masses’ independence is defended and realized. In this sense, the revolution is the struggle to get rid of the old and create the new, the serious social change whose purpose is to realize independence of the masses.