The popular masses’ struggle for independence is carried out in a certain historic order.
The struggle for the popular masses’ independence is carried out in all spheres of social reform, natural transformation and human remoulding. However, one of them comes to fore according to the stages of social development.
Social reform for the popular masses’ socio-political independence comes to the fore in the struggle for their independence.
Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“The primary question arising in the struggle of the popular masses for independence is to realize independence socially and politically.”
Realizing the popular masses’ socio-political independence implies that the masses of the people become masters of the state and society free from all sorts of social subordination.
As man is a social being who lives in social relations, it is imperative to realize socio-political independence. Man is able to defend dignity as a social being and live and develop as such only when he becomes the master of state and society free from socio-political domination and subordination. That is why the primary question arising in the struggle of the popular masses for independence is to realize socio-political independence.
Realizing socio-political independence serves as a key to bringing about ideological and cultural development free from natural fetters.
No matter how much they develop productive forces, they are unable to fully enjoy their benefit and free themselves from the reactionary idea and culture if the popular masses are subordinated socially and politically. Since society was divided into the hostile class societies, the whole history of human society has become the history of social revolution to realize the popular masses’ socio-political independence and their destiny has been carved out and society developed through the social revolution and class struggle.
In the socialist society where the popular masses’ socio-political independence is realized, natural transformation and human remoulding come to the fore to be carried out.
In the socialist society where the masses of the people are the masters of state and society, natural transformation and human remoulding to free the popular masses from natural fetters and restriction of outmoded ideas and culture become the major tasks.
The popular masses’ independence is realized fully in all fields only when they give precedence to human remoulding and comprehensively accelerate natural transformation on the basis of steadily consolidating and developing the socialist system.
Socialist society has every condition capable of implementing the tasks of natural transformation and human remoulding. Leadership of the revolutionary party and socialist political power, socialist economic and cultural systems are the sure guarantee capable of placing the tasks of natural transformation and human remoulding before others and carrying them out with success.