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Spheres of Popular Masses’ Struggle for Independence

The popular masses’ struggle for independence is carried out on a full scale in all spheres of social reform, natural transformation and human remoulding.
Leader Kim Jong Il said.
“The struggle for independence should be carried out on a full scale in all spheres of social reform, natural transformation and human remoulding.”
Popular masses’ struggle for social reform, natural transformation and human remoulding is to defend and realize independence of the popular masses.
Struggle for social reform is for the popular masses to create socio-political conditions for independent life free from class and national subordination.
In order to live and develop independently, the people must overthrow outdated social system that tramples down and suppress independence.
Establishment of a new socialist system is a historical turn in the development of the popular masses’ struggle for independence.
Thanks to the establishment of the progressive socialist system, exploiter class and system, trampling down and suppressing the popular masses’ desire and demand, are liquidated and conditions which enable the popular masses to lead independent life to their hearts’ contents, with state power and means of production in their hands are provided.
Struggle for natural transformation is to create material conditions enabling the popular masses to lead independent life free from natural fetters.
Nature is source of all material wealth and indispensable source of human living. People must act on nature to create material wealth and transform natural environment in accordance with their intrinsic demand so as to live and develop independently. Only when they transform and conquer nature by developing productive force, can they create material conditions making them lead independent life free from natural fetters.
Human remoulding is to provide ideological and cultural conditions enabling the popular masses to lead independent life free from outmoded idea and culture.
They must have ideological consciousness of independence and sound culture free from restrictions of outmoded idea and culture. Only then, can the popular masses carve out their destiny with their own efforts and lead genuine life as the independent beings.