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Independence Is One of Man’s Essential Characteristics

Independence is an attribute of social man who is desirous of living and developing in an independent way as master of the world and his own destiny.
Leader Kim Jong Il said.
“Independence is an attribute of social man who is desirous of living and developing in an independent way as master of the world and his own destiny.”
Man is a being with independence, an independent social being.
With independence, man opposes all forms of fetters and subordination of nature and society and makes everything serve him.
Independence is an attribute of man who is desirous of living freely against all sorts of natural fetter and social subordination.
There are many factors restricting man in the surrounding world. The factors restricting man and his activities are found not only in nature but in society.
Man does not want to be obedient to natural fetter and social subordination. Man lives not by tolerating fetters and subordination of the surrounding world and adapting himself to them, but by struggling against them to free from them. Man has ceaselessly opposed and struggled against fetters and subordinations through history.
Independence is man’s attribute to make nature and society serve him.
Man opposes natural fetter and social subordination in order to live as master of the world and his own destiny while making nature and society serve him.
Man brings nature under his control to create condition conducive to his life and changes natural things and phenomena to make useful living means. Man also transforms society to make it serve the communal life better. Useless natural environments are turned into those useful for man’s existence and development and outdated and reactionary exploiter society is changed into a new society where the people are the masters, by man’s positive and volitional activities. It tells that it is a characteristic peculiar to man to make nature and society serve him.