Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“That the world is dominated and reshaped by man is a new viewpoint on the world in relation to man.”
It means that the world is the object that serves independent demand and interests of man.
Man is a prominent being emerged in the process of evolution and development of material world and the highest production of the process.
The world has begun to serve man since his emergence. New relation in which the surrounding world changes in favor of man not by simple interaction but man’s volitional and positive action, was established between man and the surrounding world. Nature has begun to change into the favorable environment and condition serving man, and society has been changed into social conditions favorable for man’s living and development by his activity. This is a fresh feature that cannot be found before man’s emergence.
The world is dominated by man through historical processes.
The scope of the world serving man is limited in a certain stage of historical development. Man does not yet fully control the law of nature nor prevent such natural disasters as earthquake, tidal wave and typhoon.
It is inevitable that the world is constantly changed into the one favorable for man with the historical development. Nature is now changed into the environment favorable for man, wealth necessary for man’s living and development increases, and old social orders collapse and new ones are established.
In the process of his volitional activity, man puts forward consistently high independent demands and makes efforts to realize them. The process of putting forward higher independent demands and making efforts for their realization continues generation after generation. In this process, the world is ceaselessly changed in the direction of materializing man’s independence and serving him better.
The process that the world develops in the direction of realizing man’s independence better is the process in which the scope of dominating the world gets wider and its qualitative level gets higher.
Today’s realities prove more clearly that nature and society are changed by man’s volitional activities in the direction of serving him.
Natural environment serves man more and more.
Man requires favorable natural environment, securing more affluent material life, including clean water and air, fertile soil and forest, mild climate and stable geology and, accordingly, he makes active efforts to change natural environment making it serve man better. With the strengthening of man’s activity, mountain, field, river, sea and atmosphere that were existed irrespective of man are changed into more useful and beneficial environment contributing to further improvement of man’s health and his independent and creative life.
Society is transformed in the direction of serving man better.
Unlike nature, historical development of society, formed with man’s birth is made in a certain direction. Society develops in close relation with the people’s activity and direction of its development is decided by fundamental aim of their activity for independence. Struggle for progressive transformation of social constantly develops onto a high stage by volitional activity of the progressive class and people who are to become masters of society and, accordingly society is changed historically. The people-centred socialist society, which provides the people with true independent and creative life, was established by the people’s revolutionary struggle. It is inevitable that just international relations are established and the independent and peaceful new world is built by the revolutionary struggle of the people who aspire after independence.
Nature and society serve man better through history thanks to his volitional activity. In this sense, we say that man is the master of the world and the world is dominated by man.