In order to carry out the revolutionary struggle in accordance with one’s actual conditions, one must take a correct attitude towards the established theories.
Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“If one is to carry out the revolutionary struggle and construction work in accordance with one’s actual conditions, one must take a correct attitude towards the established theories.”
Conditions and environments of the revolution change and develop constantly. Therefore, one cannot map out correct lines and polices and escape vicissitudes and failures in the revolution and construction if one takes dogmatic attitude toward the established theories.
In approaching propositions or formulas of the established theories, one must consider the demands of the era they reflect and the premise they are based on to apply them in accordance with one’s specific conditions and peculiarities
In leading the revolutionary struggle and construction work, the starting point is not the propositions or formulas of the established theories but the actual conditions. The point is not whether something conforms to the established theories but whether it conforms to the will and interests of the masses and the subjective and objective conditions of a given period. If everything meets the demand and interests of the popular masses and the subjective and objective conditions, there is no need to stick to the existing propositions or formulas.