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Role of Ideological Consciousness Increases with Development of Revolutionary Movement

The Juche idea explains that the role of ideological consciousness steadily increases with the development of revolutionary movement.
Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“The role of ideological consciousness steadily increases with the development of the revolutionary movement.”
The role of ideological consciousness steadily increases with the development of the revolutionary movement. It is because revolutionary ideas and theories newly develop in depth and the level of the popular masses’ ideological consciousness increases with the development of the revolutionary movement.
Revolutionary ideas develop in depth and the popular masses are awakened ideologically and seasoned in the revolutionary practice by giving solutions to theoretical and practical problems newly arising with the development of the revolutionary movement.
The role of ideological consciousness increases with the development of the revolutionary movement, also because the more the revolutionary movement develops, the more favorable conditions capable of increasing the role of ideological consciousness are provided.
Establishment, consolidation and development of more advanced social system serves as the important socio-political condition for enhancing the role of ideological consciousness. Social factors that disturb the sound development of the masses’ ideological consciousness are overcome and development of ideological consciousness of all members of society is rapidly promoted with the establishment of advanced social system. As a result, the role of ideological consciousness steadily increases with the development of the revolutionary movement.
The role of ideological consciousness increases incomparably in the people’s struggle for socialism.
The cause of socialism is to fully realize the people’s independence. It is accomplished by their purposeful and conscious struggle. Accordingly, the struggle for socialism requires enhancing remarkably the role of ideological consciousness,
Socialist society provides every condition capable of comprehensively increasing the role of ideological consciousness.
In the socialist society, educating and remoulding the people with the socialist idea is done as the undertaking of the entire party, the whole country and all the people under the correct leadership of the party and the leader. In the socialist society, socialist idea that reflects man’s independent nature most correctly holds sway over the society.
Arming themselves with the socialist idea, the idea of the highest phase in the development of the ideological consciousness of independence, the masses of the people fully display their revolutionary enthusiasm and creative activity and conduct struggle for socialism.
That the role of ideological consciousness steadily increases with the development of the revolutionary movement was proved in the practice of the Korean revolution.
The one and only weapon in the Korea revolution that started with nothing was the great revolutionary ideology. The Korean revolutionaries obtained comrades and weapons and defeated the imperialist formidable enemy and built powerful and prosperous socialism, by dint of the ideology. History records no such revolution as the Korean revolution that started with its firm guiding ideology from the beginning and turned the ideology into the powerful strength for great struggle and change.
The whole course of the Korean revolution is the history of an ideological campaign to give fullest play to the might of the truth permeated in the revolutionary ideas of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.