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Role of Consciousness of Independence in Socio-historical Movement

The Juche idea elucidated that the consciousness of independence plays the decisive role in socio-historical movement, the revolutionary movement.
Chairman Kim Jong Il said;
“The consciousness of independence plays the decisive role in the masses’ revolutionary movement for independence.”
Consciousness of independence is awareness as the master of one’s own destiny and intention to shape his destiny on his own.
That the consciousness of independence plays the decisive role in socio-historical movement, the revolutionary movement implies that the consciousness of independence is the decisive factor that determines the role of the people in socio-historical movement, the revolutionary movement.
Consciousness of independence enables people to have correct class position and attitude and struggle for victory in the revolution.
Ideological consciousness determines class character of behavior of the people who take part in the revolutionary movement.
How actively they take part in revolutionary struggle depends on their class position and attitude. Their class position and attitude are determined by class-consciousness. Their activities, of course, are based on and restricted by socio-class status. However, socio-class status gives influence on people’s behaviour by ideological consciousness. Which class interests the people protect in the class society is relied on which class ideology they have. People can defend correct class stand and struggle for victory in the revolution only when they have the consciousness of independence.
The consciousness of independence enables people to display strong will and fighting spirit in the revolutionary movement.
How strong will and power they display in the arduous and complex revolutionary movement of transforming nature and society is dependent on their idea.
Only the man who arms himself thoroughly with consciousness of independence can take staunch stand and attitude in the revolution and construction and struggle to the end braving all trials and difficulties by actively taking part in the revolution with strong will.
The masses have unlimited revolutionary ability, but they cannot display it to the full if they are not awakened ideologically. The unawakened masses cannot rise up in the revolutionary struggle and successfully transform nature and society in keeping with their demands even though they suffer from exploitation and oppression. Only the masses who are aware of class interests can display their revolutionary capability and mental strength to the maximum and guarantee victory in the revolution.