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What Are the Characteristics of the Popular Masses’ Creative Activity?

    The Juche idea gives scientific elucidation to the characteristics of creative activity made by the popular masses for realizing their independent desire.

    First of all, the popular masses’ creative activity is accompanied by a serious struggle to overcome the old.

    All the creative activities to conquer the nature and bring about social progress are made with success only through the struggle.

    The old can neither vanish by itself nor be completely overcome through one or two times of the struggle. The old is very conservative and persistent. There can be no creation without struggle.

    Activity to create material wealth by transforming nature is the active and laborious struggle to overcome outrageous challenges of the nature.

    In particular, the process of replacing the old social system with the new one and achieving the social emancipation of the masses is the process of fierce class struggle against the old forces that are to preserve the old system and life. Human history is the history of an acute class struggle that has achieved progress and development through the resolute struggles to oppose, reject and overthrow the old and reactionary forces that hamper the realization of the popular masses’ independence.

    Next, process of the popular masses’ creative activity is the process of training themselves to be the more powerful beings.

    The popular masses acquire profound scientific and technological knowledge, skills and experience and further increase their creative ability through education and in the process of practical struggle to harness nature and transform society, thus becoming more powerful beings.

    The practical activities to harness nature and transform society make the people have an urge to acquire necessary knowledge for them and gain rich experience that cannot be acquired through education. Proceeding from the practical requirements, the popular masses conduct cognitive activities and accumulate theoretical knowledge by generalizing the wealth of experience gained in the practical activities. Man further enriches his knowledge while verifying the truthfulness of his knowledge gained in the practical activities.

    The process of the popular masses’ creative activity to harness nature and transform society is precisely that of further increasing their creative ability.

    History of developing social productive forces created by the popular masses is the history in which the people’s creative abilities to conquer nature has been developed, and history of social revolution is the history in which the popular masses’ revolutionary capability to reshape society has been increased.