Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism gives scientific elucidation that friendship along with peace and independence is the basic ideal to be held aloft by the progressive mankind in the struggle for global independence.
The independent world is the world in whic
First of all, it is the ideal of friendship that requires to remove distrust and misunderstanding and develop good-neighbourly and friendly relations between the countries and nations on the basis of respect of sovereignty.
Being antagonistic and hostile to each other and seeking to confrontation while cherishing distrust and misunderstanding aggravates the relations between countries and nations and hinders the establis
In order to establish and develop good-neighbourly and friendly relations between countries and nations, it is imperative to abandon hostile policy towards the other party, enforce friendly policy and create the atmosphere of mutual trust and reconciliation.
Ideal of friendship requires to fully activate mutual travels, placing stress on the deepening of mutual understanding through brisk comings and goings, dialogues and negotiations.
Next, the ideal of friendship is the one that requires to develop many-sided cooperation and exchange in all fields of social life including politics, economy and culture.
Strengthening political support and solidarity between countries and nations aspiring after independence is of weighty significance in securing the independence of each country and nation and realizing democratization of international community by combining the interests of countries and nations into one.
It serves as an important leverage capable of making contribution to the socio-economic development of mankind through the liquidation of economic inequality and the development of national economies to increase economic cooperation and exchange on the principle of complementing one another while strengthening political support and solidarity.
Exchange and cooperation in the field of culture have positive influence upon the development of intimate relations between the countries and nations aspiring after independence and the promotion of mutual friendship, and develop the world culture on the higher level through the exchange of specific national cultures.
Ideal of friendship is the one that strengthens unity and solidarity of all countries and nations in the world opposing imperialism, dominationism and championing the independence.
The imperialists’ policy of division and alienation will become impotent and bite the dust in the end when the world progressive people unite into one and struggle under the banner of independence against imperialism.
The world progressive countries and nations must firmly unite under the banner of friendship to strengthen unity and solidarity transcending differences in ideology, ideals and social system in order to make the whole world independent.