The theory of Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party building clearly elucidates the importance of establishing the correct working method for revolutionary party, the leading political organization.
Working method of party is a form and method of organizing and developing party work.
Establishing scientific and revolutionary working method of party arises as an important issue in building a party into a political organization with high leadership ability.
It is important especially for a ruling party. As it is the ruling party, if it makes mistakes, such tendency that party officials work in a bureaucratic manner not by relying on the popular masses but by giving orders with authority may appear.
Establishing scientific and revolutionary working method is an important requirement for building up the Party and revolutionary ranks by rallying the people firmly around the Party.
Building up the Party and revolutionary ranks is an essential requirement for enhancing the leadership role of the Party and it is realized educating the people and rallying them firmly around the Party. As the people are different in preparedness and mentality, living situation and environment, work with people can be successful when it depends on correct method. Only when the correct working method is established in the Party, the work with people can be conducted creatively and substantially in accordance with their preparedness and characteristics, thus educating them in a revolutionary way, rallying them closely around the Party and the leader and building up the revolutionary ranks.
Establishing scientific and revolutionary working method of Party is an important requirement to energetically accelerate the revolution and construction by organizing and mobilizing the broad masses. Only with the revolutionary and scientific working method, can the Party mobilize the masses to the implementation of revolutionary tasks and enable them to display revolutionary zeal and creative wisdom to the full.
Like this, establishing scientific and revolutionary working method in the Party is an important requirement to build the Party into a political organization with high leadership ability and make it fulfill its mission and duty.
The idea and theory of establishing scientific and revolutionary working method in the Party is originally put forward by great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.