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Peasants--Basic Masses in Anti-imperialist, Anti-feudal Democratic Revolution

    Peasants are vitally interested in putting an end to the severe colonial rule and abolishing the feudal fetters and, accordingly, they become the basic masses participating actively in the revolutionary struggle.

    President Kim Il Sung said.

    “Peasantry is the most reliable ally of the working class and one of the main detachments of our revolution.”

    Peasants are the basic masses of the revolution in colonial, semi-colonial countries, and this is related with the socio-economic position of peasantry as the exploited working masses.

    Peasants in colonial and semi-colonial countries are the object of severe exploitation and oppression of imperialists and feudal forces. Their socio-economic position in colonial and semi-colonial societies is weakened continuously. Absolute majority of the peasants who lead miserable life while suffering severe exploitation without a patch of land of their own cherish grudges toward the imperialist and feudal forces. Of course, they have conservative and passive inclinations in the exploiter society. However, they are vitally interested in the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution as they are strongly desirous of freeing themselves from the colonial and feudal oppression and exploitation. On the other hand, as peasants in colonial and semi-colonial countries occupy absolute majority of population, winning them or not is a vital issue deciding the victory in the revolution.

    If they ignore such condition, put only their ideological limitations in question, and fail to rally the peasants into the revolutionary forces, the masses that hold absolute majority of population will be on the side of counter-revolution, thus weakening the revolutionary forces.

    Therefore, it is of weighty significance in building up internal forces of the revolution to put forward peasantry along with the working class as the basic masses in the stage of the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution.